Sunday, June 2, 2019
Vocabulary Learning Strategies
Vocabulary attainment StrategiesRelated searches in ChinaIn China, researches on students study styles nominate attracted a lot of researchers to this argona. The most gallant researches argon conducted by Wang pissed (1988) and Hu Xiaoqiong (1997). Employing Reids Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (PLSP), Wang Churning (1988) conducted a large scale research in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. The participants were 490 English major students from freshmen to senior students. Four conclusions were made from his findings firstly, individual difference of education styles did experience among English major students. The most favored style was tactile skill style and group information style the least favored arcsecondly, the length of eruditeness time could affect students teaching styles and students from different grades had the tendency of presenting different learnedness style preference thirdly, there were great similarities of eruditeness sty les shown by male and womanish students finally, education styles were related to the encyclopedism achievements and visual learning style was always best-loved by students who possessed low English proficiency of listening and reading.Hu Xiaoqiong (1997) in like manner active Reids Perceptual Learning Style PreferenceQuestionnaire (PLSP), with some modifications, to conduct research on 236 students of English major, from freshmen to juniors. His findings further be Wangs research finding that students preferred tactile learning style most during their learning serve well. Apart from this, he also stated that students of English major preferred multi-dimensional learning styles instead of a single one.Adopting Keef and Monk Learning Style Profile, Yu Xinle (1997) tested 149 students of English majors from three universities in Beijing. According to his findings, no correlation could be found amidst learning style preference and gender difference, and no signifi send awaynis tert learning style preference existed between male and female students. However, sequential learning styles and holding learning styles had signifi groundworkt correlation with English learning achievements.From the researches mentioned above, it could be concluded that researches on learning styles ar relatively few and almost all the researches are conducted among English major students, and researches on perceptual learning styles of non-English major students are greatly lacking. Therefore, further researches of perceptual learning styles are extremely needed to be conducted and explored in great detail to non-English major students for their learning style preference.Chapter 3 Literature review article on learning strategiesThe importance of learning scheme as the key variable to influence individual learning difference in the acquisition of second manner of speaking area is a topic that has drawn the maintenance of researchers worldwide. The side by side(p) view of lit erature will present a brief history of learning system from the mid- 1970s to the present.Background of learning strategiesTeachers and researchers have bulky noticed the fact that only seeking for the perfect teaching models cannot assure the success of students expression learning. Under the same phraseology input, not all the students can achieve the same success as others some students obviously learn better than others. Learning is a twain-way communication. Teachers and students need to work together. Neither of them can make the final success of language learning with the neglect of the other. Oxford (1990) clearly states that research interest has been shifted from what students learn or acquire to how students gain language, that is to say, from the product or outcome of learning and acquisition to the wreak of learning and acquisition. In a word, the focus has shifted from teachers to learners, and from learning and teaching results to learning and teaching processe s.Researches on learning system have started from the mid-1970s abroad. Since then, a great number of researchers have become int. ested in this area. Researchers, such as Oxford Nyikos (1989), OMalley Chamot (1990), Oxford (1990), steatocystomaden (1991), Nyikos Oxford (1993), Sa-ngiam (1994), Ehrman Oxford (1995), Eugene (2001), Nisbet (2002), Griffiths (2003) and so on, have guided the dodge research fashion and have greatly contributed to the guess development. Their general research focus includes studies on learning strategies employed by good or successful language learners, studies on learning dodge translations and smorgasbords, studies on influencing variables on learning dodging physical exertion and on the application of learning schema theories to language learning and teaching. With the development of strategy researches, mixed bags of learning strategies have been constantly enriched and perfected. Rubin (1975) first, and shortly after, Stern (1975) publi sh their studies on the learning of good or successful second language learners, which starts the new doorstep of research in second language acquisition (Cited by Oxford, 1990). On the basis of previous researches, Freeman (1991) briefly points out that good language learners have the characteristics of willingness and the true and have a strong desire to communicate even at the risk of appearing foolish. They also pay circumspection to language master head word and meaning in their conversation. Moreover, they physical exertion and monitor their own speech and speech of others. In the 1990s, researches on learning strategies have achieved great success. OMalley Chamot (1990) and Oxford (1990) propose more impressive classifications of learning strategies that have led to a spate of significant researches in this field. Wenden (1991) outlines the schema of learning strategies that includes cognitive strategies (selecting input, comprehending input, storing input, and retrievi ng input) and self-management strategies (planning, monitoring, and evaluating). Cohen (1998) identifies that strategies consist of language learning strategies and language use strategies and states that the two strategies are the processes consciously selected by learners and can enhance students learning through the storage, retention, recall, and application of information.Another interesting topic related to learning strategies is strategy study. Different names have existed for the application of strategy use to learning, such as learner training, learning-to-learn training, learner methodology training, and methodological initiation for learners. OMalley Chamot (1990) state that learning strategies are not the preserve of highly capable individuals and could be learned by others. Oxford (1990) also emphasizes the teachability of learning strategies. Their views have laid the foundation of strategy training programs. Currently, many researchers are devoting themselves to de signing and executing strategy training programs, especially for inexperienced learners.Definitions of different strategiesStrategiesThe concept of strategy derives from the Greek term strategia which means generalship or the art of war. In nonmilitary settings, it means a plan, step, or conscious action toward achievement of an objective (Oxford, 1990). Researchers, such as OMalley Chamot (1990), Oxford (1990), Wenden (1991), Ellis (1994), and Cohen (1998), have contributed greatly to the development and application of learning strategy theories. However, in educational settings, it has been variously described as fuzzy (Ellis, 1994), no consensus (Wenden, 1991), and conflicting views (Cohen, 1998). Certainly, a brief review of literature will indicate the plethora of different terms for strategy, such as techniques, tactics, potentially conscious plans and so on.There is little consensus regarding what a strategy is. Defining strategy is a difficult task and each definition will cause the controversial views easily. Researchers always emphasize this or that aspect of learning strategies when rendering the definition. For example, Brown (1994) holds the view that strategies are referred to as ad hoc methods of approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end, or think designs for controlling and manipulating certain information. However, Ellis (1994) proposes that strategies consist of mental or behavioural activity related to some specific stage in the overall process of language acquisition or language use. Cohen (1998) defines strategies as the process consciously selected by learners. From the above definitions, it could be noticed that Brown tends to define strategies just as behavioural actions. However, Ellis emphasizes both the mental and behavioural aspects. Cohen mainly focuses on the element of consciousness when rendering the definition, which is not mentioned by Brown and Ellis. The writer would like to define strategies as both mental and behavioral actions consciously selected by learners when solving the problems in this study.Learning strategies and language learning strategiesLearning strategies have considerable potential for enhancing the process of learners language learning and help learners know how to learn more meaningfully, successfully and automatically. Same problems exist when researchers define learning strategies. Different researchers emphasize different aspects of learning strategies. For example, Weinstein Mayer (1986) hold the view that learning strategies are the behaviors and thoughts that a learner engages in during learning which are intended to influence the learners encoding process (Cited by Ellis, 1994) however, Oxford (1990) expands the definition as specific actions taken by the learner to make learning faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations Cohen (1998) defines it as the conscious thoughts and behaviors used by learners with the explicit goal of improving their knowledge and understanding of a target language. actors line learning strategies are language specific. Thus the writer of this study is more likely to define learning strategies as behavioral and mental actions consciously selected by learners during learning process. And language learning strategies are behavioral and mental actions consciously selected by learners during language learning process.Classifications of learning strategiesDifferent scholars classify learning strategies from different angles and a large number of classifications exist. In the discovering part, the more comprehensive and elaborate classifications will be discussed, including OMalley Chamots and Oxfords classifications.OMalley Chamots classificationOMalley Chamots classification is based on information processing theory and draws on the work of cognitive psychologists who introduces and develops the concepts of declarative and pro cedural knowledge. Generally speaking, declarative knowledge can be described as a kind of factual information which is stored in the mind and is related to the question of what they are and procedural knowledge is about checking rules and is associated with the question of how to do. OMalley Chamots research project provides a rationale and approach in cognitive theory for discussing learning strategies in second language acquisition. cognitive theory has explained adequately how information is stoizd in memory and what processes are entailed in learning. It states that learning strategies are stored in peoples mind in the form of declarative or procedural knowledge. In cognitive theory, learning strategies are represented as complex cognitive skills that follow the same general rules as other forms of procedural knowledge. Learning strategies begin as declarative knowledge and gradually go through associative, and autonomous stages with practice and experience. Cook (1993) furth er explains this by usingAndersons three developmental stages theory in second language acquisition firstly, in the declarative stage, intensive attention is involved to the new language and deliberate efforts are made to understand the new language secondly, in the compilation stage, procedural knowledge is acquired and gradually little conscious attention is needed thirdly, the automatic processing like native speakers is finally formed. OMalley Chamot (1990) illustrate learning strategies as mental and socio- emotional processes, emphasizing learner fundamental interaction with the language in order to foster acquisition. They present three categories of learning strategies, including metacognitive, cognitive, and social/affective strategies.They point out that metacognitive strategy encompasses executive process that mainly includes planning, monitoring and evaluating strategies. Planning is the strategy used by learners for organizing of the written or spoken discourses. Mon itoring is the strategy used by learners for checking ones comprehension during the process of learning. And evaluating is the strategy used by learners for checking the outcomes of ones own language learning. Cognitive strategies involve the direct manipulation of materials to be learned. Strategies concerning cognitive strategy are mental or behavioral aspects. For example, learners can link new information to previously acquired concepts mentally or physically so that they can group the learning items in meaningful categories or summarize the important information. Other frequently used cognitive strategies are resourcing, repetition, grouping, transfer and translation and so on. Social/affective strategies are used when learners interact with other persons in order to assist their learning. For example, learners often ask questions for clarification or use some kinds of emotional control to promote their learning.Oxfords classification nigh at the same time, Oxford (1990) offers more comprehensive and full-scale language learning classification. Her classification research on language learning strategies has great influence on second language acquisition. She makes a distinction between what she calls direct and indirect strategies and explains the relationship between them by an analogy of a theatre. Direct strategies consist of memory, cognitive, and honorarium strategies. This kind of strategies deals with the new language and is like the performer in a stage play who works with the language itself in a variety ofspecific tasks and situations. Indirect strategies comprise metacognitive, affective, and social strategies and are compared as the director who takes the responsibility for the general management of the play.Firstly, three types of direct strategies are discussed, including memory, cognitive, and compensation strategies. Memory strategies are learning strategies that help students store and retrieve new information and mainly include strategi es, such as grouping or inferencing, creating mental linkages, and applying images and sounds. Cognitive strategies are strategies that enable learners to understand and produce new language by a variety of different means. Summarizing and reasoning deductively are examples of cognitive strategies. Additional examples includ practicing, receiving and sending messages, analyzing and reasoning, and creating twist for input and output. Compensation strategies are strategies that allow learners to use the language despite their large gaps in knowledge base. Guessing intelligently, using synonyms, and overcoming limitations in speaking and writing are included in this type of strategies. Secondly, indirect strategies include metacognitive strategies, affective strategies and social strategies. Metacognitive strategies are language learning strategies, such as planning for language tasks and setting goals that provide a mechanism for individuals to coordinate their own learning process. Affective strategies are strategies that help learners gain control over emotions, attitudes, motivations, and values. To lower their anxiety, learners can listen to music or make positive statements or reward themselves to become high-spirited or try to take their emotional temperature to concentrate on their learning. Social strategies are strategies that involve interaction between and among learners. When they have classroom collaborative activities, learners could use social strategies to help them to obtain information they need, for example, strategies of asking questions, cooperating with others, and empathizing with others.The classification of learning strategies is still controversial. Oxfords classificatory system is different from OMalley Chamots, but there is similarity between them. For example, both of the two classifications include the category of metacognitive strategy which involves the process of thinking, planning, monitoring and evaluating.OMalley Chamots ( 1990) classification emphasizes more on metacognitive and cognitive strategies and lesser focus on social/affective strategies. In their classification, they provide cognitive theories to support the classification of their learning strategies. However, Oxfords classification is more comprehensive and offers six types of learning strategies with an emphasis both on direct and indirect functions of strategies. In addition, Oxfords classification addresses the social and affective components, which are less developed in OMalley Chamots classification. Moreover, Oxfords classification system can be measured by her widely recognized Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). For these reasons, Oxfords classification system and the accompanying strategy inventory are more acknowledged in the academic world and are always authorize by researchers who are interested in this field.Related research in ChinaWen (2003) identifies two distinctive development stages of learning strategie s in China. The two stages are respectively named as the budding stage and the full developing stage. The budding stage is from 1984 to 1992, and the full developing stage is from 1993 to 2003. In the former stage, Huang (1984) publishes her graduate(prenominal) dissertation An investigation of learning strategies in oral communication that Chinese EFL learners in China employ, which has laid the foundation of Chinese research on learning strategies. In the latter stage, a large number of researchers have made great contributions both in theory and practice in this field. It is worth noticing that researches of learning strategies in todays China have entered the flourishing age. In theoretical aspect, Wen (1996) has put forward the classification system of learning strategies. She classifies strategies into two groups management strategies and language learning strategies. Management strategies comprise aim establishing, planning, strategy selecting, self-monitoring, self-evaluati ng and self-adjusting. Language learning strategies can be subdivided into traditional and non-traditional strategies. Traditional language learning strategies consist of form-focused strategies, accuracy strategies, and using-mother tongue strategies. Non-traditional strategies are made up of meaning-focused strategies, fluency strategies and mother-tongue avoidance strategies. Based on her classification, many studies are conducted, such as Wen Qiufang and Wang Haixiao (1996a, 1996b), Wen Qiufang (1996c), Qin Xiaoging(1998) and the like. Wen and Wang (1996) conducted the comparatively important research on sophomores of non-English majors and one of their research findings was that correlation existed between learners belief and their choice of learning strategies.There are a large number of empirical studies on learning strategies in different language learning areas. For example, Wu Yian and Liu Runging (1993) investigated the psychology and social-psychology factors that affect ed students English language learning. According to the results of their studies, the strategy use had no effect on English achievements. Liu Shaolong(1996) chose 7 adult middle school teachers to investigate the influence of background knowledge on learning strategy choice in listening. After data analysis, he pointed it out that background knowledge did have great influence on the choice of strategy use in listening. Hou Songshan (1998) examined the effect of task types and gender difference towards the choice of communicative strategy use. His participants were sophomore students of English major from PLA Foreign Language College. His findings proved that task types could affect the choice of communicative strategy use. Males and females had different choice of communicative strategy use. Wu Xia Wang Qiang (1998) investigated strategy use on vocabulary learning. He conducted research on sophomore students of non-English major students in Beijing Normal Universities. According to their findings, metacognitive and cognitive strategies were frequently used by students when learning vocabulary. And good language learners employed more vocabulary learning strategies than those of bad language learners. Wang Yu (2002) conducted strategy research on sophomore students in Suzhou University. His research findings were that strategies, such as metacognitive, form-focused, meaning-focused, using-mother tongue, and social/affective strategies could account for students different listening abilities to a large extent. Thus, according to Wen (2003), all researches of learning strategies fall into two categoriesmacro and micro aspects. In macro-aspect, researches ordinarily focus on the general situation of learners beliefs and learning strategies and in micro-aspect, researches often concentrate on the strategy use in different language learning areas, for example, strategies use in speaking, listening, reading and writing areas.ReferencesBrown, H. D. (1994). 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