Monday, May 27, 2019

Being Successful in School

Max Pickel 2/19/10 Final Draft Being Successful in School With the help from your impressed teachers and the praise from your parents, all(a) you need now is to get into a good college and continue your enlightening into a career of your choice. So, when you try hard in school, and succeed, your grades will steadily mend which then affects the way a college will look at you. In case you dont know, a college will look at your accumulative GPA in order to decide if you are acceptable for their college. So, this is where all that time and effort in high school pays off and gets noticed.In comparison, if you had taken high school lightly and not succeeded you would have had to go to community college, pop off harder than you ever have for two years, then transfer out to a university. That is a lot of work in the long run and in all reality, it would be significantly easier to just take high school as seriously as you can. When you put forth that much effort into high school a high-qu ality university has a better chance of noticing and accepting you because they can put on how hard you are willing to work and your high school grades will display your work ethic in a very positive light.In conclusion, being successful in school is only going to benefit you in the end. You will make your parents proud, make your teachers happy, and colleges will take notice of your work ethic and grade point average. I may be only half way through my junior year in high school but I already know the effects of getting first-rate grades and reaping the benefits. Its definitely not easy, but its achievable to anyone who sets their mind to it and whole caboodle hard at it.

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